Following the AGM we can confirm the following members of the new executive committee which succeeds the current executive committee in September 2020.
- President: Lucy Riglin
- Vice Presidents (2): Paul Brennan & Esther Muddiman
- Chair: Steven Stanley
- Treasurer: Phil Parkes
- Secretary: Ryan Prout
- Membership and recruitment secretary: Luzia Dominguez
- Equality & diversity officer: Abyd Quinn Aziz
- Anti-casualisation officer: Renata Medeiros Mirra
- Health & safety officer: Andy Skyrme
- Learning rep: Joey Whitfield
- Pensions officer: Dave Atkins
- Environmental officer: Paul Rock
- Media and communications officer: Andy Williams
- Staff wellbeing officer: Nick Russell
- LGBT officer: Clea Rees
- Organising Coordinator: Mark Aston
- Ordinary members (8): Marc Bühner, Chris Graves, Joe Healy, Nicky Priaulx, Patrick Sutton, Laurence Totelin, Martin Weinel and Chris Yewlett
If you would like to get involved on the executive committee, there are still vacancies for two positions: disability representative and policy officer. In addition, once it takes office in September the new executive committee will be able to co-opt up to 6 members in accordance with the branch rules. So do get in touch!
Edits following the June General Meeting:
Joey Whitfield was appointed as Learning Rep (correction to the minutes of the AGM)
Mark Aston was appointed as Organising Coordinator (agreed at the June GM)