Sharing the load: Appeal to Members

The UCU Cardiff branch executive committee  is currently composed of 23 university workers who, along with any UCU branch member, volunteer their contracted time to fight for and defend a better working environment for all. The committee currently has vacancies for a Policy Officer, Media and Communications Officer and Disability Rep.

We want as many people involved in branch activities as possible! There are a number of other ways you can get involved, including joining one of our working groups (currently workload, anti-casualisation, health & safety and communications), or being a departmental rep, health and safety rep, or a caseworker. We need a strong branch if we are to make improvements to our working conditions at Cardiff University, and we are asking all members to consider what they can do.

Support from all members is essential for the branch to move forward and achieve good results for the ongoing negotiations and campaigns.

The branch needs your help. If you have not done so before, this is the time to come forward and fight alongside your co-workers to make the kind of improvements you want for your work.

Please get in touch with the branch office ( if you’re interested in getting involved!