Motions passed by branch

Any member can propose a motion for the membership to vote on at a general meeting. You can read a short guide on how to draft a motion here. Motions should be sent to the branch secretary ( and in advance of the meeting. If you will be unable to attend the meeting to speak on behalf of your motion, please nominate someone else who can. You can read about the branch rules around motions here.

Motion:Date of GM where passed:
Motion on Cost-cutting measures at Cardiff University27th June 2024
Motion to support Unite UCU27th June 2024
Motion calling for development with TUs of disability policy27th June 2024
Motion on the Importance of the Arts and Humanities27th June 2024
Motion on Protecting our freedom to express solidarity with Palestine27th June 2024
Motion to stand up for postgrad tutors and demonstrators1st May 2024
UCU Cymru motion on Public Funding1st May 2024
HESC motion on public funding of universities1st May 2024
Motion on contribution to participation of Red Shoes Poster Archive at TUC Congress 202417th April 2024
Motion to Donate to Cardiff Trades Council14th March 2024
Motion to HESC on a University democratisation online poll of all UCU University members14th March 2024
Motion Marking UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination22nd February 2024
Motion in Solidarity with Staff and Students in HE who feel threatened and or oppressed in the current situation of war and violence22nd February 2024
Proposal to amend rules- Creation of Anti-Racism Officer Role22nd February 2024
Motion for Wales Congress: Solidarity with Palestine24th January 2024
Palestine Solidarity Motion16th November 2023
Solidarity and Donation Motion for Brighton UCU 12th October 2023
Motion of No Confidence in the Current UCU National Leadership12th October 2023
Motion PGR as staff employees26th July 2023
Motion on changes in pay spin points for Grades 3-826th July 2023
Motion on Workers Summit28th June 2023
Motion on Summer re-ballot28th June 2023
Objection to the ‘Stop the War in Ukraine’ motion passed at UCU Congress 2023 7th June 2023
Solidarity with Ely7th June 2023
Requesting the UCU Cardiff Executive Committee to seek legal advice7th June 2023
Calling for UCU Head Office and UCU Wales to support branches that wish to take legal action7th June 2023
Development of an anti-sexual harassment policy and procedure7th June 2023
Motion for Wales HESC: COVID Clean Air Working group 7th June 2023