Solidarity with Striking Fast Food Workers

Cardiff UCU has released a statement of solidarity with fast-food workers fighting for decent pay, union recognition, and against precarious working conditions.

Cardiff University UCU branch wishes to express its solidarity with the fast food workers’ strikes taking place across the UK on 4th October, which includes workers at McDonald’s, Wetherspoons, TGI Fridays, as well as Uber Eats drivers. This is a brave move by these workers, who face poverty pay, aggressive management, and minimal protections in terms of a reliable income and decent working conditions. We hope that actions by the BFAWU, IWW and IWGB will inspire other workers in similar situations to organise collectively too. We look forward to celebrating a swift and total victory for those involved and the beginning of a wider struggle to improve the working lives of the countless thousands of food sector workers across the UK and beyond.

We’ll look into donating to the strike funds for these unions, too.

Precarity is no longer an issue just for other workers (50% of UK University contracts, and almost a quarter of those at Cardiff, are “atypical” – i.e. short-term, hourly-paid, zero-hours, etc). We need to take action on this ourselves, as well as supporting others (like, by voting “Yes” in the current ballot for instance 😉).

Join us, the Cardiff UCU banner, and fast food workers in Wales, in the Cardiff McStrike solidarity demo outside McDonalds at 5pm today (4th October).

Trade Unions organize against the far right: event in Cardiff, 6th October

The Cardiff Trades Council (a staunch supporter of our pensions strike this year) is hosting a conference called “Workers United Against the Far Right” in Cardiff on Saturday, 6 October 2018 from 11:00-14:00.

The conference, co-sponsored by numerous Cardiff union branches, will plan how trade unionists and others can best organise against the growing threat to our community and political life from the renewed far-right threat. More info, including on how to attend, is available on the Facebook event page.

University strikes remain on as UCU rejects proposals

13 March 2018

University strikes remain on as UCU rejects proposals

UCU has rejected a proposal drawn up at talks between the union and Universities UK (UUK) to end the university pensions strike. UCU representatives from the universities where staff are on strike over plans to cut their pensions met at the union’s headquarters today (Tuesday).

The union is calling for urgent negotiations with the universities’ representatives Universities UK aimed at resolving the dispute. The union said the strikes and action short of a strike remain on, and it would now make detailed preparations for strikes over the assessment and exam period.

Last week the union said that universities would be hit with a second wave of 14 strike days targeted at exams and assessment if the dispute was not resolved.

UCU general secretary Sally Hunt said: ‘Branches made it clear today that they wanted to reject the proposal. UCU’s greatest strength is that we are run by and for our members and it is right that members always have the final say.

‘The strike action for this week remains on and we will now make detailed preparations for strikes over the assessment and exam period. We want urgent talks with the universities’ representatives to try and find a way to get this dispute resolved.’

Strike Meeting 10am Cathays Community Centre

Question Time - 5th March

An agreement was reached between UCU and UUK under the auspices of Acas following 6 days of talks.  UCU’s Higher Education Committee and branch representatives will meet tomorrow to consider its contents and whether or not it should be accepted.

Cardiff UCU will be holding a strike meeting at 10am in the Cathays Community Centre to review the proposals and gauge the response of the membership in Cardiff.  One of our executive committee members is travelling to the meeting in London and will be in touch whilst travelling.

[If you come to this meeting would you please use toilets elsewhere before coming so we do not put too much pressure on the facilities]

The Rally is still due to take place at 11am with bus(es) to the lobby at 11:30am.

Solidarity from UCU Coleg y Cymoedd


UCU Coleg y Cymoedd rank and file members stand in solidarity with you, and other pre-1992 university UCU branches, over these heinous attacks on your pensions and Higher Education in general.

The resolve of Cardiff University UCU members, and other branches, has been incredible and inspiring.  This is a momentous dispute which has not only highlighted the unjust attacks on your pensions but has brought to light the destructive nature of the marketisation of education and the relevance and strength of the labour movement.

In Further Education we too have suffered at the hands of market forces with oppressive workloads, endless metrics, pension attacks, cuts in provision, redundancies, real term pay cuts, increasing casualisation and rocketing Principal/ CEO pay.  Your fight is our fight.

This member-led dispute must stay strong to win and demonstrate that a fighting, campaigning union can defend members and quality education.  We have sent a small donation to your hardship fund.

In solidarity,

UCU Coleg y Cymoedd rank and file members

Cardiff University College Union (UCU) and Cardiff University joint statement on pension reform

Following Colin Riordan’s Question Time meeting with staff on Monday 5th March, and the pressure of three weeks of strong and committed strike action, he has worked with us to produce a limited joint statement around the reform of our pensions.

The statement reads:

On Monday 5th March the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer of Cardiff University accepted an invitation from Cardiff University College Union (UCU) to meet with staff and students of the university to account for the Cardiff University position in the current University Superannuation Scheme (USS) pensions dispute. Following discussions at the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor and Cardiff UCU have agreed to call on both UCU and UUK to work with USS to challenge the Pensions Regulator to accept an academically robust, new and independent actuarial valuation. Cardiff University is keen to collaborate with colleagues at other universities to propose the key features of a methodology that would take proper account of USS as a multi-employer scheme. The Vice-Chancellor reiterated his support for working towards a solution that works for employee and employer alike.”

Cardiff UCU welcome this, and see it as a step forward in our fight for fairer pensions. It is encouraging that the Cardiff Vice-Chancellor has called for a re-valuation of our pension scheme, and has finally joined the ranks of the growing number of dissident University managers who are backing their staff on pensions.

Furthermore, Cardiff University UCU will continue to campaign for the following goals:

  • That the Vice-Chancellor commit to maintaining a fair and just direct benefits pension scheme for all Cardiff University staff;
  • The Vice-Chancellor commits to working with us to pressuring UUK and USS to retain our direct benefit pension scheme;
  • That the Vice-Chancellor act urgently, with a University-wide approach, to remove the threat of deducting wages from members undertaking action short of a strike, and that all staff will be assured they will not be asked to reschedule lectures on return to work;
  • The Vice-Chancellor and Cardiff University management commit to deducting no pay from striking workers because of the lack of due diligence in accepting a faulty valuation of our pensions in the first place;
  • That the Vice-Chancellor commit to full transparency around the decision-making process that led to Cardiff’s response to the UUK survey in September 2017, since several Universities have already acknowledged that their own institutional procedures were not adequately followed; and, finally
  • That the Vice-Chancellor commit to full transparency around any future decisions about changes to our pay and pensions.





Notes for editors:

Cardiff UCU members include academics, researchers, managers, librarians, computer staff, postgraduates who teach and other hourly paid teaching staff, on a range of fixed-term, permanent, full-time, and part-time, contracts.


Changes to the pension scheme:

This bitter strike is about proposals that would see members of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) move from a “defined benefit” to a “defined contribution” pension. This means that many lecturers would need to work into old age, and no longer have certain income, since the amount they get would depend on the vagaries of the stock market and not how much they earn or contribute over their working lives.

The changes the USS pension scheme would decimate the retirement incomes of thousands of University staff. Under the new scheme, lecturers stand to lose between 40-60% a year in retirement, leaving many in poverty. Junior staff on low wages and precarious contracts, who make up about a quarter of Cardiff University employees, would be hit hardest.


The Phantom Pensions Deficit Explained on Video: “The Big Short”

This video explains, in very simple terms, explains the employers’ dodgy numbers and demolishes the basis for their pensions raid. It was produced by Cardiff UCU member from the School of Psychology Paul Allen, and features Dr Woon Wong, Cardiff UCU member, pensions expert, and Reader in Financial Economics at Cardiff Business School:


Cardiff UCU members pressurise Cardiff Uni Vice Chancellor to use his influence with UUK:


Full Video of Cardiff Uni Vice-Chancellor getting grilled by angry s­taff:


Strike dates:

Week 1: Thursday 22 and Friday 23 February (two days)

Week 2: Monday 26, Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 February (three days)

Week 3: Monday 5, Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 March (four days)

Week 4: Monday 12, Tuesday 13, Wednesday 14, Thursday 15 and Friday 16 March (five days)


For more information, and the latest news please visit the dedicated campaign pages here:


Cardiff UCU media contacts:

  • Cardiff UCU Office:


Telephone: 02920 874443

  • Dr Andy Williams (English Language)


Phone: 07798 603706

Strike bulletin #8


It was another busy day today. Pickets were established from 8am onwards at Heath Park, Newport Road, Hadyn Ellis, Colum Road, AHSS, Modern Languages, Law, Careers, Psychology, Biosciences, Main Gate, Bute, Glamorgan. The CARBS was the biggest yet (see photo below).

11 o’clock rally

As usual, staff from the picket lines throughout the University gathered at the Main Building for a rally at 11 o’clock. Sara Whittam, a member of PSS staff from MEDIC, addressed the rally in Welsh (and translated it into English for non-Welsh speakers), speaking about the solidarity she had found on the picket lines, from colleagues and students. The rally also heard from Mary Heimann, a Professor in SHARE, who noted that support from Cardiff University students continued to grow, and over 6,100 signatures were now recorded on the students’ petition to the Vice Chancellor. Paul Brennan, Vice Chair of Cardiff UCU, noted that the Vice Chancellor said that he was pleased with how Monday’s meeting with staff had progressed and that he valued hearing from members of staff. Paul also remarked on his feelings about going back to work Friday, unsure what he can accomplish in a day. But saying that he knows how much he could accomplish if he was back to work all of next week. Thanasi Hassoulas from MEDIC, compared his experiences of industrial action in Greece to the current UCU strikes.

Tomorrow’s (Thursday 8th March) march and rally

Tomorrow’s rally is due to be the biggest rally yet, with more and more people coming out to support the action. Speakers at the rally include, among others, Anna McMorrin MP and Adam Price AM. Please do encourage colleagues who have not yet come out on strike to strike tomorrow and attend the rally. Also, bring placards with your messages on them, and whistles, drums and other things that can be used to make noise.
In more practical matters, Phil Parkes will be coordinating the march and rally tomorrow. The route is not yet confirmed, but we will meet at the front of Main Building for 11 o’clock. Phil is looking for at least one more first-aider for the march; please email Phil if you can help out on

An important date for your diaries: Lobby at the Welsh Assembly on Tuesday 13th March – link to sign up below

Cardiff UCU has arranged a lobby of the National Assembly for Wales for Tuesday 13th March between 1pm and 2pm.

The Welsh Government is an important source of funding and support for Welsh universities and particularly Cardiff University. It is vital that Ministers, especially the First Minister Carwyn Jones and the Education Minister Kirsty Williams are made aware of the impact of the proposed changes to our pensions, the strength of feeling of staff and the damaging affects that these changes will have on our university. Our aim is to speak to AMs and urge the Welsh Government to make a public statement calling on Universities UK to accept a new evaluation of the pension scheme and to negotiate in good faith with a view to retaining a Defined Benefit scheme.

Two of our local Assembly Members, Julie Morgan for Cardiff North and Jenny Rathbone for Cardiff Central, have agreed to host our lobby.

We need as many people as possible to commit to coming to the lobby next Tuesday. There will be transport provided by Cardiff UCU.

If you would like to attend the lobby and help to persuade the Welsh Government to support our case, click here and fill in the form

Further political support

In addition to support from Jo Stevens MP (Cardiff Central), Julie Morgan AM (Cardiff North), Jenny Rathbone AM (Cardiff Central), Leanne Wood AM (Leader of Plaid Cymru), Kevin Brennan MP (Cardiff West), Anna McMorrin MP (Cardiff North), Stephen Doughty MP (Cardiff South and Penarth), Mick Antoniw AM (Pontypridd) and Neil McEvoy AM (South Wales Central region), we have also received a statement from David Melding AM (also South Wales Central region) expressing concern ‘that UUK’s pension cuts have been made without proper engagement with the university sector and the affected employees’.

Yesterday’s teach out: Mental Health Matters

The teach out, led by Prof Ben Hannigan, HCARE, involved a range of talks focused on mental health services and the University’s legal obligations in relation to mental health, mental health concerns by students and University staff. More details can be found here: Mental Health teach-out

Yesterday’s activity: Flash Mob

Led by Steven Stanley, a silent flash mob assembled on the stairs in front of the Cardiff University Union. See a short video here:

Do you have an hour spare to help out?

The various strike committees have been working hard over the past three weeks, and are looking for people who would like to volunteer to contribute an hour or two over the next week. If you are able to help out, please speak to your UCU department rep.

Next week’s teach outs

It looks as though we will be on strike again next week. We have talks all week on subjects such as Crime and Justice (12th March), Making sense of Neoliberalism (13th March), Community Values (14th March), Archaeology and History (14th March evening), Creativity and Resistance to Oppressive Institutions (15th March), Climate Change and Divestment (15th March) and Wales and Strikes (16th March). All events will take place between 1-4 PM except for the Archaeology and History event which will take place between 5-7 PM. The venue for all of the events is Cathays Methodist Church, Crwys Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 2NE (at the corner of Crwys Road and Fanny Street). They are open to everyone – students, staff and the public, so please do publicise these.

See you tomorrow at the rally and march! Come down and bring a friend.


Cardiff UCU Strike Communications Team

Further images from today:

Strike Bulletin #7 (updated)

Lack of PensionsIt has been a busy day today. Pickets were established from 8am onwards and by mid-morning we had pickets at Heath Park, Newport Road, Hadyn Ellis, Colum Road, AHSS, Modern Languages, Law, Careers, Psychology, Biosciences, Main Gate, Bute, Glamorgan.

We had a visit from another part of the the galaxy – namely Darth Vader who finds our “lack of pensions disturbing”. This was Patrick Sutton from Physics with colleague who managed to tour most of the picket lines this morning.

At 11am we held our daily rally (see gallery below) with input from Michelle Huws-Thomas, Heiko Feldner, Patrick Sutton, Steven Stanley and music from Michael Munn. At least half of the crowd assembled had not been at the rally the previous day, which means that if everyone on strike came to the rally we would have more than we saw at the final rally last week before the snow came. It will be important that we have a large turnout for our big march and rally this Thursday (8th).

At 11:30pm Steven Stanley introduced “Standing in silence – a meditation flash mob” and then invited all to join him in the entrance areas of the students union. Following the flash mob all those who participated spent some time in twos and threes reflecting on the experience. A number of students joined us for the exercise.

Following this a “University Matters” teach-out event on the theme of Mental Health, was held at the Cathays Community Centre. We expect to have more feedback from that event tomorrow and will post it on the web version of this bulletin.

Feedback from Monday’s Question Time
Much discussion and reflection has resulted from Monday’s Question Time with Colin Riordan and Rob Williams. [Full transcript]

We were therefore very encouraged to see that the Vice-Chancellor entered into a public email exchange with Jo Stevens, MP for Cardiff Central. Jo Stevens stated she was encouraged to see that Colin Riordan had agreed to attend the question time event organised by Cardiff UCU and understood that he had accepted at the event that the methodology used in the scheme valuation should be revisited. Colin Riordan wrote to assure Jo Stevens that he mean what he said regarding talking to UUK about the possibility of a new valuation … which he hoped would be today, Tuesday. He also said that he had talked with Chair of Council, Prof Stuart Palmer who is a USS trustee. and had enlisted his help in the matter.

You can read the full exchange at

We have confidence that the Vice-Chancellor will follow through on the commitments he has made – and conversations on Tuesday indicate that this is happening.

Lobby your Assembly Member Tuesday 13 March – book a place now!
Cardiff UCU has arranged a lobby of the National Assembly for Wales for Tuesday 13 March between 13.00 and 14.00.

The Welsh Government is an important source of funding and support for Welsh universities and particularly Cardiff University. It is vital that Ministers, especially the First Minister Carwyn Jones and the Education Minister Kirsty Williams are made aware of the impact of the proposed changes to our pensions, the strength of feeling of staff and the damaging affects that these changes will have on our university. Our aim is to speak to AMs and urge the Welsh Government to make a public statement calling on Universities UK to accept a new evaluation of the pension scheme and to negotiate in good faith with a view to retaining a Defined Benefit scheme

Two of our local Assembly Members, Julie Morgan for Cardiff North and Jenny Rathbone for Cardiff Central, have agreed to host our lobby.

We need as many people as possible to commit to coming to the lobby next Tuesday. There will be transport provided by Cardiff UCU.

If you would like to attend the lobby and help us persuade the Welsh Government to support our case, click here and fill in the form

Wednesday’s activity

  • 8am – Pickets – various school/dept locations and university main building
  • 11am – Rally – in front of the main university building
  • 1 pm – 3 pm – Workshop: Civil Rights and Liberties – Dr. Lydia Hayes – Where? Cathays Methodist Church

Cardiff UCU Strike Communications Team

Gallery of today’s activity at Main College:

Banners and placards - Main Gate

Banners and placards – Main Gate

Crowds Main Gate

Crowds Main Gate

Crowds Main Gate

Crowds Main Gate

Crowds Main Gate

Crowds Main Gate

Crowds Main Gate

Crowds Main Gate

Pickets - Main Gate

Pickets – Main Gate

Flying Picket - Main Gate

Flying Picket – Main Gate

Steve Stanley

Steve Stanley

Michael Munn

Michael Munn

Steve Stanley

Steve Stanley

Steve Stanley

Steve Stanley

Standing in silence – a meditation flash mob

Standing in silence – a meditation flash mob

Standing in silence – a meditation flash mob

Crowds at Main Gate