Response to UEB offer regarding marking boycott

The branch executive sent the following message to the Vice-Chancellor and other University representatives on the 20th May.

Dear Vice Chancellor,

We are happy to report that our members voted overall favourably towards standing down the marking boycott.

However, only 35% of our members voted in favour of accepting the UEB proposal that requires cancelling all forms of ASOS. The majority of our members were mainly concerned about not having had an opportunity to read the USS statement you are prepared to release.

Taking your commitment to release a meaningful statement in good faith, we should be able to agree such a statement early next week with you and call off all ASOS as soon as the statement is released. This will cause minimal impact on students and is guaranteed not to threaten graduation.

We hope you can appreciate that there are many aspects of your proposal that we are accepting in good faith and in the spirit of trust and we hope that UEB can show similar trust in UCU.

We are very pleased to have reached this outcome in such a short window and to have collectively avoided what would have been a very difficult situation for everyone involved.  We are also glad to see this as a good example of what can be achieved when trade unions and management work together for the collective good of the institution.

We will now be instructing our members to not go ahead with the marking boycott.

As mentioned before, we are also keen to be able to stand down ASOS altogether early next week. With this in mind, we suggest a meeting with yourself on one of the following dates in order to agree a joint statement on USS. We will also be inviting members of the Technical Group to this meeting

Monday 23rd May 14-15hrs
Tuesday 24th May 13-15hrs
Wednesday 25th May 12-15hrs

Please let us know by the end of business today which of these times are suitable for you.

Yours sincerely,

Lucy Riglin
Renata Mirra
Marc Buehner