It is strongly recommended that you check your payslip, even if you are not applying for hardship funds, to ensure you have received the deductions you expected. Below is a quick guide on how to read it to check.
View/download your payslip on Core, and go to the Gross Earnings section. Divide the strike deduction by the basic pay amount, then multiply by 365 and divide by 12. This will give you the number of days’ worth of deductions you have had. In this example the member has received 7 days of deductions: (690.47/3000) x (365/12).
MAB deductions have not started yet but we assume they will follow the same pattern and be listed as ‘ASOS’.
STRIKE (PEN) means that pension contributions have been maintained.
STRIKE (NO PEN) means that pension contributions have not been maintained on those days.
POS PENS USS RIB EES refers to the pension contributions.